Lino Galiana
I am a data scientist at the Innovation Lab of the French National Institute of Statistics (Insee) 🇫🇷. My work focuses on leveraging new data sources and innovative methods to develop reliable statistics on socioeconomic phenomena. I have a particular interest in the analysis of textual and spatial data.
I mostly work with Python
, and Javascript
. Most of my work, both personal and professional, is available on my GitHub page or the GitHub page of Insee’s Lab.
I currently teach Python for Data Scientists at ENSAE Paris Tech, one of France’s top engineering schools. You can find the course materials on the GitHub repository .
Additionally, I teach a course on Data Science Projects in Production at the same institution. This course addresses state-of-the-art MLOps practices, with materials available on the GitHub repository .
I have developed a course on Good Practices in R
and Git
. Additionally, I used to teach an Introduction to (GitHub repository ), an introductory data analysis course at Ecole Normale Supérieure.
Among my main open-source projects, I maintain the utilitR
project, a collective effort involving many contributors from the French administration to provide high-quality documentation for the software. I also developed cartiflette
, a project designed to offer data scientists working with spatial data easy access to France’s geographic borders, facilitating the production of maps.
Since I enjoy using my professional tools for personal projects, I developed climbtracker ⛰️🚲, a website that helps road cyclists find ascents in their surrounding areas.
I recently gave the following courses:
I also gave the following courses in the past:
- 2019-2021: Macroeconomics (Bsc)
- 2016-2019: Urban Economics (Msc), Sciences Po
- 2016-2017: Mathematics for Economics (Msc), Sciences Po
- 2016-2017: Microeconomics (Msc), Sciences Po